Tolo TV live (Persian: طلوع – “Sunrise”) is a commercial television station operating in Afghanistan. Launched in October 2004 by MOBY Group .
It became one of the first commercial stations in the country.
Tolo TV Live paved the way for an accessible media platform by providing a wide library of programmes. These are some of the programs (shabake khanda, Afghan Star), among others. It is currently Afghanistan’s most popular television channel.
Tolo TV began broadcasting in Kabul in November 2007 and now has free-to-air broadcasts in 14 towns across Afghanistan, as well as satellite transmissions throughout the region. Its sister channels are: TOLOnews and Lemar TV.
MOBY Group owns and operates TOLO TV , a commercial television station in Afghanistan. The first commercial stations, which launched in 2004 and laid the groundwork for an accessible media channel by delivering a large archive of programmes.
You can also watch Tolo TV liv in our Afghan TV Channels android and Afghan TV Channels ios applications.
Beside these channels you can watch other Afghan TV Channels in our website : Tolo TV Live , lemar TV live, Shamshad TV Live , Khurshid tv live and many more..